If you are like most people, you spend a few hours every day on your smartphone. Maybe you spend your time on social media. Perhaps you love gaming. There’s good news—you can make extra money every day by using your smartphone.
No, we are not talking about get-rich-quick schemes. In this guide, we’ll show you how you can make passive income through your smartphone. Let’s get started.
1—Share your Internet Bandwidth
If you have more Internet bandwidth than you need, you can trade it for money, thanks to apps like Honeygain. The app runs in the background. It collects and shares your extra bandwidth with people who need it more.
In turn, you earn money for free. The actual amount of money you win depends on the amount of bandwidth you share every day. To be clear, you need to earn $20 before you make your first cashout on Honeygain.
The app also works on desktop computers. All you need is to download the app to your PC and activate it. Keep in mind you will also earn $5 as a new customer.
2—Trade Your Data
Some people squirm at the thought of sharing data with strangers. But here’s some good news. You don’t need to reveal sensitive data to make money online. With some apps, you only need to share your shopping data in exchange for money.
- Savvy Connect
This app pays you to observe your Internet traffic. It collects data such as your favorite social media apps, your favorite shopping apps and other vital data that can help marketers improve their bottom line.
Savvy Connect is a subsidiary of Survey Savvy, an app that pays you to participate in online surveys. That means you earn twice—through surveys and by allowing Savvy Connect to monitor your online behavior.
Note: this app pays you an extra $5 for every new device you connect. It allows you to connect tup to three devices.
- Nielsen’s Mobile Panel
Nielsen is one of the biggest market research companies in the world. Although it conducts research in a multitude of ways, it features an app that pays people to share data.
The app runs in the background of your smartphone, collecting crucial data about your shopping behavior. Nielsen makes money by selling this data to its clients. But as a reward, it splits its profits with you.
3—Online Survey Gigs
As mentioned above, some apps pay you to complete online surveys. As you probably know, mobile survey apps are research firms. They are paid to collect data on behalf of big brands. Below are some of the survey apps with the best payouts:
- Survey Junkie
Survey Junkie works like most passive income apps. It pays you points to participate in different market surveys. You earn 25 points as a new customer and an extra 50 points to complete a “demographic survey.”
The demographic survey aims at determining the best surveys for you. Truth be told, you won’t qualify for every survey on this app. However, you can earn $10 to $100 per month from the app, good enough to clear a couple of bills.
- Inbox Dollars
Inbox Dollars is a passive income app with up to 10 ways to make money. The most common method is to complete online surveys. You can complete up to 50 surveys on the app, which translates to about $30.
It’s not a lot of money. But as mentioned, filling surveys is not the only way to make money on the app. For example, you can make extra cash by marketing the app to your friends.
4—Earn from Shopping Apps
Do you shop online? Because if you do, some apps will pay you to continue buying stuff online. Learn how it works below:
- Ibotta
Ibotta is a cashback app. It finds shopping deals for you. And if you purchase the items at the recommended eCommerce stores, Ibotta gives you cash backs. Now, the app only pays you up to $1 for every item you buy. And you need to attach a receipt as proof of completing a purchase. Nonetheless, you could earn offers worth over $50 at the end of the month.
- Mobee
Mobee dubs itself as a secret shopping app for people in Canada and the US. How it works is that you complete simple activities like taking photos of your local shopping store. The app could also ask you questions about the availability of different items.
The app pays you points that you can later redeem for cash. However, keep in mind that some people complain about the lack of activities from the app.
5—Test Products for Money
Many companies reveal items for testing to a small group of people before availing them to the world. The companies work with the help of user testing apps such as those listed below:
- uTest
This app pays freelance coders up to $50 to find bugs on apps and sites. What’s more, you can get paid to review online tools, leave comments on blog posts or review university courses. There’s a catch—you need to complete your profile by including information about your skills as a developer.
- UserTesting
UserTesting is one of the best-paying passive income apps out there. It pays you up to $30 per hour for testing its products. Don’t get too excited though. Finding an assignment willing you to pay $30 per hour on the app is easier said than done.
6—Sell Stuff on your Phone
This shouldn’t come as a surprise. Almost everyone shops online these days. But did you know you could make money by selling stuff on your smartphone. Here’s a couple of apps to help you make extra cash selling stuff online:
- Foap
Foap works with companies like Shutterstock and Adobe to help them find quality photos. Foap acquires its photos from people like you. It pays you $5 for every image accepted while the company earns $5 when it sells your image to its partner companies.
- Poshmark
Do you have clothes you no longer wear? Of course, you do. With the help of Poshmark, you can sell your clothes for whatever amount you wish. The company keeps 20% of the sales or $2.95 for amounts worth less than $15.