After the last Dota 2 Major tournament that was a part of the DPC system, fans wanted to know when the Battle Pass for the International 2022 would be dropped. Many data miners leaked the estimated release date to the network. That said, no one expected that on August 23, Valve would release a new patch 7.32, with a long list of notable changes.
The patch’s drop also came at an unsuitable time as the ESL One Malaysia 2022 had just started. Hence, the qualifying teams have no time to get used to the changes and should adapt to everything on the fly. Needless to say, this will affect on Dota 2 betting. At, you can see how the initial odds of the tournament significantly changed in the time after the patch release.
Anyway, the attending teams will need to play the rest of the event on 7.32, which brought tons of new changes. As for the general ones, the game has such important aspects as follows:
- Added Primal Beast to Captains Mode.
- Nerfed Zeus with jump ability, damage percentage, and talents.
- Removed some of the old neutral items and added new ones.
- Changed the amount of experience required to get the level.
- Added a Flagbearer Creep that replaces one dream creep in every second wave starting at minute 2.
However, aside from general updates, we are going to look more closely at the news about different heroes and items. For starters, let’s cover the new additions of the most critical items in the game.
Item Updates
With the patch release, some of the most important Dota 2 items received updates that should impact their place in the game. You can find the full change log of this patch on the official dota2 website but we will outline the main pieces here.
Black King Bar
BKB is one of the most essential items in every patch since it allows heroes to adapt most abilities in the game. After the new patch, the item requires a 50 mana cost to use. This means that Black King Bar can be countered with mana burn.
Even though it may not seem a lot, it will have an extreme impact on using BKBs with a Shard or Refresher Orb, because their costs were also increased. On top of that, it will be harder to use for the typical BKB users, such as Terrorblade or Phantom Assassin.
Bloodstone was not picked that much in the previous Dota 2 patch. However, following the changes, the item now provides 700 recipe’s cost, instead of 900. Moreover, the active spell lifesteal multiplier is increased up to 2.5 (it was 2), which should be enough to put the item on the competitive map.
Dragon Lance
The third item that is slightly different than before is Dragon Lance. In patch 7.32, it requires a Blade of Alacrity, Belt of Strength, and a 450 gold recipe for assembly. As a result, the item provides +150 attack range and +15 agility. Fortunately, the total cost of this item is the same as before.
Glimmer Cape
Glimmer Cape is among the Dota 2 must-have items for supporters that was also buffed in the 7.32 patch. Valve decided to increase the item’s range of application from 550 to 600 and its magic resistance from 15% to 20%. Besides this effect, Glimmer Cape’s delay before invisibility was reduced from 0.6 to 0.5 seconds, which means you will be able to silence your opponents a lot better.
Other Changes
Besides the things we’ve mentioned so far, there are loads of other item updates you should be aware of. In this regard, Blade Mail received a considerable buff with increased duration from 4.5 to 5.5 seconds. Such a popular item as Force Staff now provides +175 HP and has a 19 second cooldown.
Also, following the new patch, it seems like Mask of Madness (MoM) is back in action with the item’s lifesteal increased from 20% to 24%. Another great news is that one of the best offlane items, Mechanism, costs 800 (100 less than before) in total and has a 15 seconds less cooldown. Along with it, be sure to check the full patch notes for more information about the item changes in the new gameplay release.
Neutral Item Changes
Patch 7.32 brought a decent number of both tier one and two neutral items removed from the map in exchange for new ones that came with passive and active abilities. Below, we will look closer at them.
New Items
Currently, we have access to a couple of new neutral items in the gameplay, including:
- Seeds of Serenity: a tier 1 item, +100 to health passively, Verdurous Dale active ability.
- Lance of Pursuit: a tier 1 item, +200 to mana, Hound passive ability.
- Eye of the Vizier: a tier 2 item, +125 to spell range, -20% of maximum mana.
- Specialist’s Array: a tier 2 item, +8 to all attributes, +10 to damage, Crackshot passive ability.
- Dagger of Ristul: a tier 2 item, +10 to attack speed, Imbrue active ability.
Removed Items
As it can’t be otherwise: some items have been added to the game, while others have been removed from it. Thus, such neutral subjects as Keen Optic, Chipped Vest, Essence Ring, Ocean Heart, Fae Grenade, Spider Legs, Quicksilver Amulet, and Havoc Hammer are no longer available on 7.32.