The recent news about Bruce Willis stepping away from acting due to ongoing health issues has not been easy to take. While we’re still brokenhearted about it, one of the ways we’ve been trying to cope with it has been to look at Willis’ career and highlighting some of his performances that don’t get enough attention. Sure, he’ll always be remembered as John McClane in the “Die Hard” series, and Butch in “Pulp Fiction,” but when you’ve had a career as extensive as his, it’s easy to forget how great he was outside of those roles. So let’s go back and comb through his filmography to pick out some of his best performances that don’t get the credit he deserves.
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Heath Andrews
Heath Andrews has been a student of pop culture ever since he found himself to be the only student in 3rd grade who regularly watched "Get Smart" on Nick-At-Nite. Ever since then he's been engrossed in way too much media with a growing collection of music, books, comics, TV on DVD box sets, and a video game collection that could rival a brick and mortar store. Prior to writing for Nerdbot he's written for Review You, MyAnimeList, and various advertising companies. Since 2016 he's run his own YouTube channel under the moniker of The Critical Android where he livestreams video games and uploads podcasts about pop culture and Frasier.