While perhaps not as well-known as James Earl Jones‘ voice when it comes to science fiction, Rutger Hauer was one of the greats. Without his calming timber, the Replicant character Roy Batty wouldn’t have been quite so memorable in Ridley Scott‘s seminal “Blade Runner.”
Batty’s final moments in the 1982 film consist of one of the most iconic scenes from the film. “I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe,” Hauer intones. That same cadence, that same melancholia, is alive and well in a new trailer for “No Man’s Sky.”

“The irony is that all I did in Blade Runner was… and I’m not saying it’s nothing, but it’s so little,” Hauer told RadioTimes about the scene during an interview. “I kept two lines, because I thought they were poetic. I thought they belonged to this character, because somewhere in his digital head he has poetry, and knows what it is. He feels it! And while his batteries are going, he comes up with the two lines.”

“I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like… tears in rain. Time to die.“
Hauer sadly passed away in 2019, and this is quite possibly the very last thing the actor recorded.