They say when you can make trash into art it’s the ultimate goal. Some people wouldn’t call it art and that’s fine, but for those that would this sculpture is pretty impressive. Laura Weiss, talented Public Health Nurse, made this chandelier out of empty COVID-19 vials. Titled “Light of Appreciation” has become such a beautiful symbol.
The artistry here is amazing, and it’s really cool that it’s a functional sculpture. It’s something that I think would go very well in a gallery or in a home. And the little nuances with the crystals and how she adjoined them together really makes a statement.
She created this because its an example of efforts not only by the health care community but also all of the people who went to go get vaccinated. It Symbolizes how people care for themselves and care for others by choosing to be vaccinated. She calls it a “Light of Appreciation.”
“As a Boulder County Public Health nurse, I was witness to the inexhaustible efforts of healthcare workers and volunteers who assisted in vaccinating Boulder County residents. I was inspired to repurpose hundreds of Moderna vaccine vials and create this ‘Light of Appreciation.’ It is meant to honor and show appreciation for all those who have helped keep people alive, either by getting the vaccine to protect themselves and others, caring for those suffering from COVID, or by assisting in the vaccination effort. We are all connected in this effort. After so much loss, uncertainty, and anxiety, may the light bring hope for a brighter future.”
Laura Weiss