It seems to be more of a thing lately where places like hotels and restaurants are using mannequins and blow up dolls to enforce where guests can sit. But is it really better than using “Scary yellow tape”?
Recently we wrote about how the Inn at Little Washington had dressed up mannequins to promote social distancing and make the inn feel more crowded. And now a restaurant is using blow up dolls to encourage people to sit apart from each other.
The Open Hearth owners Paula Starr Melehes and her husband, Jimmy have decided that using the “G-rated” blow up dolls on amazon were the better option to using yellow tape. “Instead of using scary, yellow tape or roping off the empty tables, I thought, ‘We’re going to make this restaurant look full,'” Melehes said.
But is it really less scary? Since they aren’t mannequins we’re going to have to vote for yes on this one. “My grandson told me they look kind of creepy,” Melehes said. “But, I think, when people walk in, they’re going to laugh.” And in this instance she’s right. They are definitely laughable!
She stated that she wanted to make it clear that they were following social distancing protocols and the easiest way to do that was to use these dolls as spacers. She’s also said that their employees will be wearing masks and that everything has been sanitized from the walls to the vents. So patrons will have a very safe dining experience. “We’re doing everything we can to make sure we do this right,” Melehes said.
“We just didn’t want the virus to be what shuts us down.”