If you haven’t been watching Harley Quinn on DC Unlimited then what are you even doing with your life? It’s fun and gross with exploding bodies, violence, and the gags are out of this world. Seriously the comedy is on par with Venture Bros. which is a great cartoon full of perfect comedic timing. Anyway there is a particular scene where Bane is talking with Scarecrow and is sipping out of one of the best mugs I’ve ever seen.
Instantly when I read/saw it in the cartoon I was like “OMG, I need that mug”. And DC must have had a lot of people say that because they have now made an official version of it.
They are selling it for only $14.99 and it’s an 11 ounce mug so it’s big. Like super villain big. You can check out the listing by following the link here.
Nerdbot does not make anything off the sale of this item, we just thought you would like to know!