Movies have long been moving towards CGI, and practical effects have become obsolete in recent years.
However, we have still noticed the difference and deep down, really miss the tangible feeling that practical brings to us.
In a universe dependent on CGI, Ghostbusters is possibly planning on “bringing it back”. Mostly to cut on production costs, -but hey! It may bring with it some nostalgia.
Dan Aykroyd said in an interview with 660 News:
“I’m always urging to use puppets. I’m always urging to go back to the mechanicals. But CGI is so efficient and easy to use but I think that all of us are on board with the idea of maybe doing mechanicals and puppets where we can.”
-Dan Aykroyd
Suggesting that we may indeed get practical effects.
What do you think of this news? Is CGI the way to go? Or should they include some of the old fashioned practical?
Set in the universe of the original film, ‘Ghostbusters’ is set to release July 10th 2020. Starring Finn Wolfhard, Carrie Coon, and McKenna Grace along with some of the original cast to reprise their roles.