It seems like petitions for statues are on the rise lately as we had just heard about a Miles O’Brien statue being talked about for Ireland. Now we have another petition that could mean an Obi Wan Kenobi Statue will be erected on Ben Nevis, the tallest mountain in Scotland.
The Petition States:
“Ewan McGregor is a phenomenal actor and is considered one of Scotland’s best. Appearing in countless films for over two decades, Ewan has an impressive filmography. With his most iconic role being that of Obi Wan Kenobi from George Lucas’ Star Wars Prequel Trilogy. Regardless of what you think of the Prequel Trilogy, most people will say that Obi Wan was done brilliantly. He made Obi Wan Kenobi the popular character he is today. And I think he deserves something for it.
A life size statue of Obi Wan Kenobi at the summit of Scotland’s tallest mountain: Ben Nevis.
The mountain stands at 1,345 metres above sea level and is the highest mountain in the British Isles. Ben Nevis is a popular destination, attracting an estimated 100,000 ascents a year. The 700-metre (2,300 ft) cliffs of the north face are among the highest in Scotland, providing classic scrambles and rock climbs of all difficulties for climbers and mountaineers. Ironically the mountain is known to locals of the surrounding area as “the Ben”. The mountain is all that remains of a Devonian volcano that met a cataclysmic end in the Carboniferous period around 350 million years ago.
A statue of Obi Wan Kenobi would be rather fitting, given the mountain’s nickname, the volcanic past and its the highest ground of Ewan McGregor’s home county. He would literally have “the high ground”, watching over all of Scotland. It’s poetic in a way.
Material wise, the statue could be made from copper, stone, bronze, brass, marble or iron. As long as there is a plaque that welcomes climbers with a “Hello There”. Keeping the essence of the character of Obi Wan Kenobi.
It would also have its benefits too, as the mountain would increase in popularity. Those estimated ascents would increase. You would have Star Wars fans from around the world coming to Scotland to climb Ben Nevis to reach “the high ground”.
I think this would be a perfect way to honour Ewan McGregor, a statue of his most iconic character on Scotland’s highest ground.”
You can sign the petition here!
Let’s make this happen as we need more nerdy landmarks! Maybe someday we can all go on a sojourn to each statue.