Author: Breana Ceballos

Hi! I am the Managing Editor for I enjoy watching anime, learning about new things and keeping up with Nerd Culture. I love writing and hope to introduce people to things that they may not have known about before through my articles. If you think you may be interested in submitting a guest article please check out the "Write for Nerdbot" section on the main page!

It’s kind of rough being a parent of young children when all of your friends are watching coo, more adult offerings. While others are watching things like “Umbrella Academy” or “Yellow Jackets,” you’re stuck watching “Cocomelon” and “Peppa Pig.” There’s really no light at the end of the tunnel; just succumbing to your kids’ desire to watch the same thing everyday, over and over again. But, now that Quentin Tarantino has aditted his love of “Peppa Pig,” I don’t feel so alone anymore. “I actually do like Peppa Pig; I watch it a lot. I’ll say it – Peppa Pig is the greatest…

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We’ve all been wondering what the heck is in a $5,000 cocktail aboard the Disney Wish Cruise. The Star Wars Hyperspace Lounge has an adult beverage called the Kaiburr Crystal. No one had any idea what was actually in it, even after a now viral video showcased it being presented and drank. But avid Disney goer and blogger Arthur Levine got the scoop! According to Levine, he spoke with a bartender in the lounge, and was able to get details on the mystery drink. “According to a bartender in the lounge, the galactic beverage is primarily made with Camus cognac.…

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