South Korea’s push into the global media scene has taken on several forms. K-pop has made a name for itself…
Search Results: david fincher (26)
We all know one of those guys who thinks Tyler Durden is the coolest. These are usually the same who…
David Fincher recreates 1930s Hollywood in this astonishing black and white piece of film, which he wrote and is directing…
Turning 25 this month: “SE7EN” is a chilling crime-noir thriller packed with brilliant performances, sharp directing, and gritty visuals.
While I remain a staunch advocate for the theatrical experience as the primary way to enjoy cinema, I’ve long missed…
“Strange Darling” takes all the familiarity of erotic crime thrillers into unfamiliar territory, giving you something you know in a package you haven’t seen. It is never restricted by anything which allows “Strange Darling” to do everything
“Longlegs” is a film that heavily relies on tension and atmosphere, operating with a disorienting mileu and meticulous framing to create a slow burn, unflinching and disquieting experience that creeps into the darkest recesses of your mind and never gives you a chance to breath.
Sequels, sequels, sequels; if there’s one thing you can count on in today’s film industry, it’s sequels. The idea of…
The allure of cinema has always been its remarkable ability to transport us into worlds unknown and introduce us to…
Though it was a hard and tumultuous time in Hollywood, 2023 actually proved to be an incredible year for films.…