Has coming up with an endless array of excuses to cancel plans become a tedious chore? Well, furniture maker La-Z-Boy has got you covered with their new AI-powered chair, The Decliner. This state-of-the-art recliner allows you to generate a cancellation excuse via SMS text by simply pulling a handle.

The best part is, La-Z-Boy is currently running an online contest to win one of three of The Decliners. The company wants people to embrace the joy of missing out. So to enter, all you have to do is make an excuse!
Entries can be submitted on this website or via social media by tagging @Lazboy and including the hashtags #LongLiveTheLazy and #contest on either Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or TikTok; and by posting on La-Z-Boy social media posts about the contest. Maximum of one entry per person per day, regardless of entry method. Each submission must be unique, because sometimes being lazy takes some creativity. The deadline for entries is Monday, September 11th by 11:59:59 PM (ET).
The Decliner is part of a larger “Long Live the Lazy” platform that La-Z-Boy launched on August 10th aka National Lazy Day.
“La-Z-Boy is focused on reaching a broader set of customers by showing we understand the role our transformational comfort plays in their day-to-day lives,” said Christy Hoskins, Vice President, Chief Marketing Officer, La-Z-Boy. “As a result, the brand will show up in places it never has before, including sports networks, streaming music and mobile gaming, all of which perfectly complement moments of laziness.”

“Long Live the Lazy” will focus on the transformational power of comfort. This is pretty on-brand considering the company has been making truly comfortable furniture for more than 96 years.
“Our ‘Long Live the Lazy’ platform reflects the reality that everyone occasionally needs the time and space to power down, kick up their feet, and make comfort their top priority,” said Hoskins. “As La-Z-Boy continues to evolve, we are doubling down on designing the most comfortable furniture available so people can make the most of the lazy moments they rightfully deserve.”
Along with The Decliner, La-Z-Boy has a new 30-second ad titled “We The Lazy.” The spot highlights the incredible comfort during moments when it’s most satisfying. Showing various people standing up for their right to be lazy, by sitting down. This ad also helps bolster the company’s more modernized brand identity, with new branding elements, designed to convey comfort.
You can check out the new “We The Lazy” and “The Decliner” ads below: