The rise of ChatGPT in the tech world has created a boom in poker. Significant changes are occurring in the game, with players using technology to increase their hand wins. The subject is a hot topic among the poker community, with players seemingly split on whether or not the tech should be allowed.
Support for AI in Poker
A new study was recently conducted with Amazon Mechanical Turk by Legal U.S. Poker Sites. The study found that online poker is being affected by the rise of ChatGPT. Over 1,000 players with at least three years of experience were surveyed. The survey revealed that of the 67% male and 33% female participants, 93% favored ChatGPT.
Those surveyed were either Gen-Z or millennials, and 40% said the tech option had elevated their gameplay. A total of 45% surveyed said that AI helps them to become better players.
AI and Cheating
AI is nothing new to the online poker industry, as systems and tools have been in place for years to help with gameplay or cheating. In the survey, it was recorded that 22% of the participants used AI to win. Millennials were more likely to take this route than Gen-Xers. Of the respondents, 1 in 5 would have cheated at online games with ChatGPT.
It’s difficult to say if ChatGPT could be used as a form of cheating when playing online poker. There are no clear rules at poker sites that say ChatGPT cannot be used, but it would not be surprising to see such rules added in the future. However, botting is one AI option that is not allowed. Players cannot use a robot to play card games and will be punished for doing so.
The Impact of AI on Poker
For players who aren’t focused on a quick win, AI is used to find different gameplay strategies or simulate different hand scenarios. The technology comes in handy when determining the best decision for a particular hand.
Most poker experts believe that AI bots will eventually rule the game of poker, making it almost impossible for a human to win against them. Gen Z players that have taken on AI have lost over $1,000 on average. Millennial players see around $758 in losses.
Divided Reactions
When looking at discussions regarding ChatGPT and AI in poker, the opinions are mixed. Twitter and Reddit show that players either think the tech is cheating or they think it’s bad advice or useful advice. I imagine it depends on personal experience. Some players feel the tech does not help, while others have found the advice perfect for learning how to handle hand situations.
As tech continues to evolve, the opinion of using ChatGPT or other options may change. It may become more accepted or even banned. We won’t know until poker players start using it more or online poker rooms somehow decide to act against the technology.
The Future of Poker with ChatGPT
Technology and poker have never had a relationship before, but the possibility is increased due to ChatGPT. Online poker players gravitate towards new ideas and tools to help boost gameplay prowess. Watching and seeing how ChatGPT plays a role in the gaming industry will certainly be interesting.