Three new animated films set in the world of “Avatar” are in the works at Paramount Pictures. They will be handled by Avatar Studios, a new division of Paramount and Nickelodeon, founded by Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko, co-creators of “Avatar: The Last Airbender.” They will be full-length animated feature films.
While we don’t know a lot, we do know Konietzko and DiMartino will produce. The first film will be directed by Lauren Montgomery, and will have a theatrical release. Montgomery has a long history with the franchise, having worked as a storyboard artist on “Avatar,” and producer for “Korra.” She has also previously directed a number of animated films for Warner Bros. Pictures, including “Wonder Woman” and “Superman/Batman: Apocalypse.”
Sequel? Prequel? Reboot?
Details about possible plot remain top secret. A new movie could bring back characters from previous shows, but the world of “Avatar” is vast. Set in a magical version of ancient Earth, there are multiple cultures that could all be explored. A new film could go back in time and look at previous Avatars, people with the power to control elements and communicate with the spirit world. Or, it could move past “The Legend of Korra” timeline, showing more magic and technology combinations.
It is believed these three animated films are not connected to the live-action adaptation of “Avatar,” currently in production for Netflix. You can catch both animated series (“The Last Airbender” and “Korra“) on Netflix.
We’ll let you know what we hear about this and other projects.