Training remote employees has become extremely important as working from home has become more popular and realistic. This rising trend of working has increased because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Most firms now intend to make this way of working permanent. With more people than ever being categorized as “remote employees,” now is the moment to utilize technology and digitally upskill your staff.
Employee training is necessary not just for achieving the company’s goals, but also for maintaining a high level of job satisfaction and motivation for employees. The majority of employees would like to stay with a company that invests in their learning and development for a longer time.
Here are the best ways to use LMss like Kajabi or Thinkific for training your remote workforce. It will provide them a level of satisfaction and engagement and is a must-read for any operations or corporate managers looking to offer a remote training program that is exceptional.

1. Standardize your training process.
It’s a great idea to assign new workers to a more skilled teammate who will assist them through the training process. Creating a weekly checklist with targets can also help your workforce feel accomplished by the end of the week because they can see the results of their hard work. Spending time and developing new ideas will surely standardize your training process. Implementing business intelligence software solutions also enables you to standardize your training and business processes since all the data are accessible. It enhances work efficiency, productivity, and quick decision-making and quickly provides workers with performance indicators and data when necessary. Improved decision-making will result in a better work-life balance, timeliness, cost savings, and flexibility.
2. Ensure training programs are accessible.
Password accessibility is one of the most annoying aspects of depending on digital services. The admin person generally creates a password that is made up of characters, numbers, and symbols that aren’t particularly memorable and creates accessibility issues for your workforce. The best way to ensure that employees can easily access training programs is to set up personal logins for your learners so they can access the information fast and securely.
3. Keep all of your training materials in one place.
The company faces new issues as a result of remote working, including efficiently onboarding remote staff and keeping existing employees engaged. As more firms adopt hybrid and remote working, companies must ensure that their employees are constantly upskilling and receiving the training resources they require.
Using a Learning Management System, you can connect all of your employees in one location and provide them access to all of the program’s training resources. An LMS like Kajabi or Thinkific allows you to provide high-quality training to remote employees while also creating centralized training pathways for the entire firm.
4. Set realistic deadlines.
A level of dedication must be encouraged for remote workers to completely benefit from the training program. While flexibility is essential, giving them a deadline to complete the training will develop a feeling of urgency that forces them to move through the material at a consistent speed. In most cases, giving staff a deadline will help to encourage them and increase their completion rate.
5. Implement gamification
Gamification is a great method of training for remote workers. This method boosts your employees’ involvement, participation, and motivation while eliminating distraction. Many remote training program alternatives include gamification features like competition for prizes, certificates, and ranking on a scoreboard system. It’s a great way to promote healthy competition among your employees while also appreciating them for their efforts.
6. Track employee performance
Managing and tracking the training and performance of the remote workforce can be difficult, especially when standard feedback isn’t always a possibility. Working remotely makes performance assessments, one-on-one sessions, and observation feedback nearly impossible. However, managers must guide their employees or risk inhibiting their progress.
Remote work is on the rise, which means that remote training should be on the rise equally. To ensure that your employees’ skills and confidence keep growing, you must design, create, and implement efficient and appropriate remote training formats. This will improve staff retention, efficiency, and team morale.