HBO Max has released a trailer for their upcoming reality show, “FBOY Island.” If you are wondering what the F stands for- it’s exactly what you think it is. The gimmick here is 24 men and 3 women on an island, where the girls have to figure out ‘who’s genuine.’ 12 of the men are self proclaimed “nice guys” and 12 are “FBOYS” who are just there for the money.
Oh yeah, the twist is that there is money on the line too. $100,000 to be exact. How original.
The show is hosted by comedian Nikki Glaser who is also not aware of who’s who in the two pools of men. Nakia Renee, CJ Franco, and Sarah Emig are tested by choosing correctly whether or not someone is a ‘FBOY’ or a ‘Nice Guy.’
“Women have been forced to deal with the manipulative, douche-baggery of FBOYs for far too long. And that’s why we’re here,” says Nikki official trailer.
Personally, I don’t like shows like these where the contestants just talk about themselves and talk about nothing important. But I guess there is a demographic that must really like these shows because places keep making them. Also, it would be nice to see people that were not conventionally attractive as contestants on these shows. It would make them a lot more tolerable. But if you just want to gawk at three girls in bathing suits in the middle of a vast sausage party then maybe you should watch this.
“FBOY Island” premieres on HBO Max July 29th, 2021.