Ready for the cool season? Do you have your sweaters and your mittens handy? Well you may want to get a new pair of mittens because we’ve just found some of the coolest ones in the Federation. Vulcan Mittens that will allow you to easily give the live long and prosper greeting. Even better that you can give this sign while still maintaining social distancing.
These mittens are unfortunately not going to be able to be attained by Christmas because the seller says that she is swamped with orders. And for good reason too, the quality on these mittens are simply outstanding. But if you are a knitter you can purchase the pattern to make some of these yourself which Story Sweaters also sells.
Plus if you get the pattern you can change out the color for whatever department your Vulcan works in. Remember it’s white for command; gold for engineering; gray for science, communications and navigation; dark green for security; light green for medical; dark blue for operations; light blue for special services; and red for low-grade officers and officer cadets. So you don’t just have to make yours in the color of Spock’s uniform.
You can check out the link for the mittens by clicking here. And the one for the pattern by clicking here. If you find that you can’t purchase them you may have to email the seller which can all be done through etsy.
Live long and prosper!