If you grew up in the 90’s you know what I’m talking about. It started by watching YouTube with the kid when I realized that I could download and play Putt-Putt again. But now with the Summer Steam Sale, I’m happy to report that while the games are on sale!
Some are even cheaper and if you want to get the full Humongous Entertainment pack of Pajama Sam, Putt Putt, Spy Fox, and Freddi Fish.
It’s a pretty big deal for those of us who want to relive our childhoods. And a pretty big deal for those of us with kids that were our age when we played them. Because I’ve discovered that once you play the game through with the kid they will play it independently on their own. It’s amazing and has saved me hours because I’m not solely responsible for entertainment anymore! Huzzah!
There are many more things on the Summer Steam Sale but for us parents this is a huge win. I recommend checking out the sale and getting some games you may have had your eye on. Besides if you can’t play them now at least you have them to go back to.
The Steam Sale is only until July 22nd so if you see something you like get shopping! Plus from what I can find the promotion on the Humongous Entertainment pack ends July 9th. So that’s just about a week and a half from now.