If there’s one thing that I’m excited for today it’s that when I woke up this morning a new Pokemon Snap was announced. That’s right! Nintendo has finally granted our wishes and decided that it’s time to come out with a brand new game for Pokemon Snap.
Following the N64 game (which is now really clunky when you go back to it), this one will be released for the Nintendo Switch. Instead of the blocky characters that we had in that “super realistic” 3D with the N64 now the characters actually do look like cartoons come to life. It may be 21 years since the original came out but fans are really excited about this. Check it out in the trailer below!
Switch Controls
Now you may wonder why now is the best time to announce a new Pokemon Snap game. And I’m thinking it has a lot to do with the controls on the switch. Now instead of just using a controller you can actually aim and shoot with the console. Making it like a real life camera which you would point and shoot. It’s going to be easy for kids to understand and great for adults who grew up playing the game.
Confidence Boost
I can’t tell you how many times in the past I would get a big rush out of Professor Oak saying in that N64 voice “Wow” and then telling me I got a good score because the “Pokemon was in the center of the frame”. He would also compliment your newer pictures quality when you swapped them out and make you feel like you were really improving.

Hidden Challenges!
Remember having to throw apples at Pikachu to get that little guy to look your way? Or throwing them to get a special character to do a funny action? We’re expecting this new game to be the same with many different things that will come into play. Be it berries or a pokéflute there was always something you could do different. And since the courses were along a set path and ran on a timer of how fast you could get your pictures, there’s always something else to do. Making the replay value really high.
But I Want to Play it Now!
While all we know about the new game is that it’s in development we do have the ability to play Pokémon Snap on the Switch already. You can buy it from the Nintendo store and play the N64 version on your console right now. But if you do, it is a bit wonky and you may be better off dusting off your old N64. Which hey, it’s not a bad idea to do for summer anyway. Plus retro gaming is fun to compare your skills now to that of when you were growing up. Spoiler alert! Going back to games from the past can be a lot harder than you remember.

Hopefully with this announcement and gorgeous cinematic we will get the release date soon. I’m thinking summer of next year but it really could be anytime. And what I’m most excited for is the fact that they not only waited for a console that could be used as a pretend camera but also that they were listening to us. Fans have wanted this for a VERY long time and now that this day is here many of us are just beside ourselves with emotion. Our favorite childhood game is finally coming back.
What to you think about the new Pokemon Snap? Are you excited? Tell us in the comments if you played the original!