It seems like lately with everyone having to work from home we’re getting to see many of the inner workings of some of our regular faces. By that I mean the people that bring us the news as well as the weather. There was an instance previously where a cat broke the internet being part of the weather forecast. Now there’s an adorable dog that just wanted to see his best friend. Check out the video below!
News18 states that Paul Dellegatto, who is the chief meteorologist at Fox News 13-Tampa Bay was disrupted by his dog Brody after he whacked the computer with his head. In an adorable show of affection the dog then decides he wants to know who is behind the blanket. The blanket was being held up so that there would be no reflection in the broadcast. And unfortunately when he knocked the computer with his head it made the map disappear. But how could you ever be mad at a face like this?