In an unfortunate announcement from Lionsgate Entertainment we’ve learned that the release date for John Wick 4 has been postponed.
Originally it was supposed to come out May 21, 2021 which was deemed “Keanu Reeves Day” due to the fact that both it and the Matrix 4 would be debuting on the same day. Now they have pushed it back to May 27, 2022.
The announcement of the fourth film came immediately after John Wick 3: Parabellum debuted in theaters. It was the highest grossing film in the John Wick franchise making 326.7 million dollars. In the new film we will see Reeves return along with director Chad Stahelski who directed the third movie. So we are hopeful that in this new addition to the franchise we will see more of what they accomplished in the third movie.
This comes as disappointing news for fans who wanted to see both films on “Keanu Day”. But in all likelyhood they may push back Matrix 4 by a year as well. They were still filming in San Francisco when the coronavirus started to shut down many productions. Hopefully when they announce the new date it will be May 27, 2022 as well and we can still see both films the same day.