Heavy Metal Entertainment has teamed up with Threadless to create a Taarna facemask. The world’s greatest illustrated science fiction magazine will be sending their sword wielding warrior Taarna to fight against the Coronavirus.
COVID-19 has had us make so many daily adjustments to our lives as we settle into the “new normal”. One of the biggest trends we’re seeing online and outside are people expressing their fandoms and art through facemask prints. And Heavy Metal Entertainment now has one that will make you feel pretty awesome.
Not only will you be wearing the coolest facemask around, but you will also be helping Medshare, a humanitarian first responder aid group. All proceeds from the mask sales will make their way to Medshare and help fund their fight.
You can pick one up by clicking the link here.
This 3-ply polyester everyday cloth face mask is form-fitting with built-in wire on the top bias to lay across the bridge of the nose. They are easy and comfortable to wear thanks to over-the-ear elastic loops that measure about 8 inches long. One size fits all, mask
measures approximately 8 x 4-inches to cover both your nose and your mouth. Printed on one side and reversible to black on the other side. Reusable and machine washable, all masks should be properly sanitized after each use per CDC guidelines.
100% of the net proceeds that Threadless earns for each sale of these masks, up to a $100K maximum donation, is being donated to MedShare, a humanitarian aid non-profit
organization dedicated to improving the quality of life of people, communities, and our planet. MedShare sources and directly delivers surplus medical supplies and equipment to communities in need around the world.
Note: This mask is NOT intended for medical or healthcare workers, and should not be
confused with N95 respirators or other personal protective equipment (PPE). No warranties, either express or implied, are being made that these face masks prevent infection or the transmission of viruses or diseases.
Heavy Metal CEO, Matt Medney says, “So far we have helped Threadless raised over
$100,000 for Medshare and we’d love to bring that number up to $250,000. The ability to
both help people in need and provide a product that the WHO mandates is something I
would never have thought possible within the space I work. It is truly a moment of great
appreciation for how we can come together and help in times of need.”
Jake Nickell, Threadless Founder & CEO says, “When the CDC released guidelines for
wearing cloth masks, we knew our artist community would be clamoring to design them and that we could raise a lot of funding for frontline workers through mask sales. In just 6 days since launch, we raised our goal of $100,000 to MedShare and are now targeting a $250,000 donation! Masks are looking to be a part of our culture for the foreseeable future and it’s amazing to have Heavy Metal be a part of it!”
So, order your mask and help Medshare! You’ll look awesome and while doing a great thing.
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