Due to COVID-19 many things have been either postponed or flat out cancelled. Even a few notable games like The Last Of Us Part 2 have been pushed back indefinitely. But in the midst of all this craziness CD Projekt Red has reminded fans that they do in fact plan to have Cyberpunk 2077 done by September 17th.
CD Projekt Red had this to say in a statement.
“There is no shortage of motivation and we also possess all the tools needed to facilitate remote work. We’ve been operating in this mode for over three weeks and to-date results confirm that we can carry on with all our operations without major disruptions. Our plans haven’t changed – we’re steaming towards the September release of Cyberpunk.”
Although they didn’t go too much into detail about it it seems they’re more than capable of working remotely from home. As reported previously they’ve become the 2nd largest studio in Europe so it’s safe to say they can afford to get their employees whatever they need for work. And some parts of the game are being built in a development office still too, which definitely helps the workflow as well.
Although the well anticipated game Cyberpunk 2077 was pushed back, it’s still good to hear that they are working safely. And still have full intention to release the game on it’s new set date.