The Tell Tale Heart is one of Edgar Allen Poe’s greatest known works. First published in 1843 it has been a consistent focus of many a high school classroom. You know the story, the narrator starts to tell you the story about a murder, where the heart of the victim ends up under the floorboards. And the sound of the beating heart drives the man mad. Well Jane of @fancifulcakes has created a beautiful cake inspired by that story.
She made the cake for Valentine’s day and it has a beating Jello heart that works from a pump. The sound in the video is coming from somewhere besides the cake, but it adds tons of bonus points to the wow factor. The words are printed with an icing printer and the whole thing just makes you really want Jane for a mom. How cool is this cake really? I know tons of goth kids who would have wanted this for their sweet 16.
This would be a great gift to give to a librarian on their birthday, and I’m already getting some ideas from it. I may not have the technical capability but this cake has inspired me to learn. You can follow Jane on her Instagram @Fancifulcakes to see more of her cool creations.