So many of my friends are aboard the Poe and Finn ship. And to be honest I see it and I am totally for it as well. Woo! Though we do have the people that are naysayers. Hey man let us have our thing okay? It is not hurting anyone, leave us be. But it turns out that our dear friend Mark Hamil is also fanning the flames to this Star Wars ship.
Good to know that Mark is an ally! Mark made this comment just after Oscar Isaac had this to say “I think there could’ve been a very interesting, forward-thinking – not even forward-thinking, just, like, current-thinking – love story there, something that hadn’t quite been explored yet,” Isaac told IGN. “Particularly the dynamic between these two men in war that could’ve fallen in love with each other. I would try to push it a bit in that direction, but the Disney overlords were not ready to do that.”
Either way, I still stand by this ship.