If you grew up on Stephen King novels then you will be delighted to know that you can now tour and stay in the horror icon’s home. Bangor city council has approved that King and his wife Tabitha rezone their home as a non-profit. The home will host an archive of King’s works and will allow up to five writers to stay at at time to work on their own projects.

“The King Family has been wonderful to the City of Bangor over time and have donated literally millions of dollars to various causes in the community. Preserving his legacy here in Bangor is important for this community.”
City councilor Ben Sprague to Rolling Stone.
For many the idea of staying in the home of King is a dream. He has created many stories there including the fictional town of Derry where IT roamed the streets. His works have inspired many to become writers themselves and has encouraged his constant readers to critically think about many of his works.
Currently he has been on tour with his wife Tabitha or has been staying in his home in Florida so if you think you will get a glimpse of the couple you may be disappointed. However if it’s simply your dream to stand where he once stood and ponder where he once pondered than by all means enjoy!
There is currently no information on how his home can be booked or if they will be hiring someone to maintain the archive but we will let you know when that comes to be.