All Hail Beebo !
And the creative freedom to write literally anything !
I’ve always considered the core four Arrowverse shows to be representative of certain feelings. Supergirl being hope , Flash of excitement and Arrow as redemption – with Dc’s Legends of Tomorrow Exemplifying joy.
While all of these shows are far from perfect, and have had their ups and downs : the most consistent show in quality of story, atmosphere, action and style has been legends. This show, which basically came from a string of test footage, has evolved into a show with infinite potential that has given it the ability to be the most flexible of the Dc T.v. shows.

There are certain boxes that the other three shows are contained in, where their reach in story telling is limited in differing ways. In Arrow, if you are going to have a superpowered being in the story, they are definitely treated differently than they would be on another show. An example being how the villainous Black Siren was able to cripple buildings in The Flash but couldn’t kill two people when they were right in front of her.
It might just be the scope and visions of each show, where the Legends writers are permitted and even encouraged to do really whatever they want. From parodies of classic tv shows, to kaiju monsters, to the Legion of Doom ; they can literally do anything that fits the overall narrative.

So while the other shows may vary in storytelling and has risen high and low in quality, Legends has been the one show that I have consistently had fun with. And at the end of the day, Comic book properties are intrinsically goofy, and this shows embracing of that aspect has helped form it into the joyus Dc property it has become.

What’s your opinion on Legends of tomorrow, do you love it too or are the others ones your favorite ? Let us know in the comments down below.