The greatest character in the history of Star Wars is back for the live-aciton The Mandalorian series.
No, not Han Solo or Luke Skywalker or Boba Fett. Not even Salacious B. Crumb. No, witness the return of the most important droid in the history of droid-ness… R5-D4!
John Favreau posted a beautiful, glorious image of R5-D4 to his IG feed today. Now it could be another, similar droid of the same model but it certainly has the same colors and basic design, so I assume it’ll immediately break. Will he have a bad motivator? Is The Mandalorian secretly the origin story of how that droid ended up being scavenged by Jawas and then went on to save the universe? Do we finally learn who bought R5-D4 and fixed his motivator?
Will we get a GONK DROID!?!!
Who is your favorite Droid? Tell Nerdbot in the comments!