Netflix has finally answered one of the biggest questions on everybody’s lips for the last few months; when the hell is John Berenthal coming back? In the latest trailer for the ‘Flix Marvel series, which you can see below, we get a bit more insight into what’s in store and also the longed for release date.
In this latest reel we learn that Castle is the victim of a government con job, being turned into a gun for hire rather than the protector of the innocent that he signed up for. When Castle rebels and the government tries to clean up it’s mess, Castle’s family tragically fall into the firing line.
The show makes a couple of big returns for the Netflix MCU, the first being Deborah Ann Woll’s Karen Page and the second being the lashings of unrelenting violence that made Berenthal’s Castle an instant fan favorite when he showed up in Daredevil. The show, and the violence, commences on Netflix on November 17th.
Are you excited to see the new Punisher? Let Nerdbot know in the comments!