Search Results: spider-man (512)
We know we know- there have been MONTHS of reports claiming a new “Spider-Man: No Way Home” trailer is coming.…
Oddly enough, we were JUST talking about the upcoming “Morbius” film, starring Oscar winner Jared Leto. A notable character from…
While we’re still very much “Dune” focused right now, we couldn’t help but point out that stars Timothée Chalamet and…
If you’ve never done one of the ticketed Halloween events at either Disneyland or Walt Disney World, we highly recommend…
To really drive home just how good “Spiderman” and “Spiderman: Miles Morales” are, I’m mostly an Xbox player, with the microsoft console being my primary system of choice. I do own a PS4, but that was more because a friend was selling his old one for such a good price it was hard to pass up. It sat collecting dust, that is until my last birthday when I decided to grab the newly released, critically acclaimed “Spiderman: Miles Morales” for my birthday in November. The game was so good I finished it in just about 2 weeks, which if you know anything about how little time I have to play games is pretty damn impressive. I had so much playing this game I immediately swooped up the original “Spiderman” game, and played through that with every ounce of free time I could find. The games are some of the best gaming has to offer, so hearing that not only are we getting a sequel that includes both Peter Parker and Miles Morales, but also includes Venom voiced by Candyman himself, Tony Todd makes it the most anticipated release of its day.
We’ve all been caught in a web of anticipation for Marvel Studios / Sony Pictures’ next installment in their “Spider-Man”…
It wouldn’t be a month in 2021 if we weren’t all speculating on the release of the “Spider-Man: No Way…
While it wasn’t exactly a full-on crossover event, it was certainly a meeting of epic proportions when His Holiness Pope…
This just in-it would appear that Issa Rae will be web slinging into Sony Pictures’ upcoming “Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse”…