Over the last ten years, filmmaker M. Night Shyamalan has managed something of a career renaissance. After a string of terribly received films including “The Last Airbender” in 2010 and “After Earth” in 2013, he slowly started to turn things around. In 2024, Shyamalan is coming off of the one-two punch of the financially successful but critically mixed films of “Old” and “Knock at the Cabin.” Here comes the next shot of horror with the succinctly titled “Trap.” This will be the first original story from Shyamalan since 2019’s “Glass.” The films he’s made in the interim have been adaptations…
Author: Heath Andrews
This summer will mark five years since Quentin Tarantino’s “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” was released. Since then, there have been a number of reports about what Tarantino’s next project will be. At one point there was some serious back and forth about him directing a “Star Trek” film, but when the dust settled, the focus seemed to be on a project titled, “The Movie Critic.” Well, if you had your hopes up for that, prepare to have them seriously let down. If there has been one consistent story related to Tarantino’s tenth film, it’s that it will be…
Ramen noodles are known for many things: being cheap, being full of more salt than a gallon of soy sauce, and being easy to cook and eat. One thing it’s not known for, is breakfast. Outside of college students who have little choice otherwise, you normally don’t see people downing ramen for the “most important meal of the day.” But you always could if you wanted to, and thanks to a bold new flavor from Cup Noodles, you just may have an excuse to microwave yourself some breakfast, ramen style.In today’s entry into “Things That Shouldn’t Exist But Do,” the…
Normally when you have to say goodbye to a restaurant item, it’s to a signature food. Remember the Arch Deluxe at McDonald’s? Well we do, and it was a darn good sandwich no matter what anyone says. Rarer is the instance where you have to say goodbye to a fast food utensil. Sustainability is becoming increasingly prominent in the quest for businesses to become more environmentally friendly and McDonald’s has found a way to be more sustainable. “How” you ask? By giving the axe to the McFlurry spoon. If you’ve never had a McFlurry, then you may be wondering what…
Have you ever worked in a full service kitchen? It can be a stressful job; lack of staffing, high demands, and a lot of guests. The same can be said for restaurants in general, as has more recently been detailed on the FX series, “The Bear.” OH! And speaking of bears and kitchens, turns out there’s video of a cranky bear assaulting a security guard in a kitchen! At the St. Regis Aspen Resort in Colorado, there were some reports of not just a bear on the premises, but IN the premises. The resort is currently closed for renovations, but…
In May of 1991, the “Star Wars” EU novel “Heir to the Empire” was published. While it wasn’t the first book to be published that expanded the galaxy far, far away, it was the first in a new wave of novels that would set the stage for a renewed interest in the property in terms of storytelling. Part of this success came from author Timothy Zahn’s creation of the character Grand Admiral Thrawn. And if your’e a fan of Thrawn, you’ll soon be able to enjoy his presence in collectible form thanks to Hot Toys and Sideshow Collectables. Thrawn is…
It is with a heavy heart that we report on the passing of the wonderfully talented actor, Richard Moll. For many, Moll was primarily known for his role on the original “Night Court” as the lovable, dim witted, yet surprisingly intelligent court bailiff, Bull. Kids who grew up in the ’90s might know him from a number of voice roles.Moll was the voice of the Scorpion in Fox Kids’ “Spider-Man,” and Two-Face in “Batman: The Animated Series.” Playing both Harvey Dent and his villainous alter ego, Moll effectively played two characters in one, each with a dynamic personality and VERY…
The drummer has been the butt of many a music joke for decades. At least when it comes time to shine though, they can take the spotlight like no other member of a band. Then there’s the bass player. If there’s ever anyone who needs a bit more respect on stage, it’s the bassist. One of the greatest to ever grace the instrument is former Rush bassist/vocalist/keyboardist, Geddy Lee. His passion for the instrument is matched only by his skill. Now that passion will be on display in a new way… by uh, joining other bass players in their personal…
It was back in the winter of 2004 when Konami released one of the most revered video games of all time, “Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater.” At the time, “Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty” was not seen as the post-modern classic that it is today. That game took a good decade or so to be reassessed, but “Snake Eater,” that became an instant classic. In some ways it’s hard to believe that was nearly 20 years ago, especially given the game’s intricacies in storytelling and gameplay. But the game industry has advanced significantly in two decades and…
Ah yes, the Stephen King adaptation. There are few things with so much potential to be brilliant…or awful. For every “The Shining” and “The Shawshank Redemption” success, there’s a “Firestarter” or “The Langoliers.” One director who has broken that trend has been Mike Flanagan. In between doing series like “The Haunting of Hill House” and “Midnight Mass,” he’s delivered very strong film adaptations of King’s “Gerald’s Game” and “Doctor Sleep.” Well, Flanagan is gonna take on “The Life of Chuck,” and has made some pretty strong casting choices. The titular Chuck has his story told in reverse, starting with his…