Most people believe there is only one way of making money: finding a job and going to it daily. However, there are many more ways to earn money. Some hit jackpots after reading the article on Cricket Betting Insights & Odds Unveiled, while others launched startups. Looking for inspiration for money making? Then watch these 3 movies.
The Wolf of Wall Street
A movie based on real events, directed by Martin Scorsese and starring Leonardo DiCaprio. The prototype of the hero was a real person, Jordan Belfort, an American broker and businessman who was a member of the most influential circles in the United States. Jordan, from childhood, was engaged in business: he sold ice cream and shell necklaces on the beach, and when he became older, he opened a business selling meat and fish. Only this company went bankrupt because he didn’t calculate the risks and misused resources. He borrowed goods and trucks, but sold the goods on credit.
He needed to pay off his creditors urgently, so he went to work as a broker. He was given a position as a caller, but within six months he managed to get a broker’s license and understood the business.
Later, he opened his own brokerage company and personally trained employees in cold calling and ways to persuade even unfavorable deals for clients. Besides honest deals, the company engaged in fraud: buying back shares through front men, running word of mouth to change the price of a favorable paper for purchase/sale. The FBI became interested in the dubious transactions, and as a result, Jordan and his company’s executives received prison sentences.
The movie shows Jordan’s life from the moment he took a job at a small brokerage firm to sell low-priced stocks.
Belfort’s persistent style of dealing with clients and charisma made him a quick success. He created his own firm, business was booming, and profits were growing. Life became increasingly destructive, including parties, promiscuous relationships, and alcohol. This lifestyle became an integral part of his success, and his wealth and influence grew with the FBI’s interest.
This movie is for those who believe you can make a fortune from your knowledge, salesmanship, and the gift of persuasion. The movie shows what successes can be achieved by charisma and ambition, how quickly money and power change a person, as well as how you can end up behind bars because of fraud.
The Big Short
Michael Burry is an investor who is known for predicting the mortgage crisis in the United States. He opened his investment company, Scion Capital, and while analyzing the market, he noticed that mortgage delinquencies were getting higher and higher. Realizing that a market crash was ahead, he began betting on the market going down, although his investors argued with him and didn’t believe in his decisions. When the crisis began, Bjurri personally earned 100 million dollars, and the profits of his company’s investors exceeded 700 million dollars.
The global financial crisis of 2008 bankrupted hundreds of companies. The movie reveals the story of several people who were able to predict the crisis before it began and made millions of dollars.
One of them is Michael Burry, an eccentric financial genius and manager of the Scion Capital investment fund. Studying a lot of data on mortgages across the country, he discovers an anomaly and is convinced that the market is on the verge of collapse. So he decides to insure millions of dollars for his clients while everyone is talking about the stability of the market. His actions surprise, amuse,and annoy his clients, but he doesn’t back down.
This is one of those business movies that helps you understand how the economy works and how some complex financial schemes work, as well as tells you about the causes of the crisis. It also shows how important it is to believe in yourself, your knowledge, and your cause.
The Wizard of Lies
Bernard Madoff is the creator of the largest financial pyramid scheme in the United States, which affected 37,000 depositors. He paid out money to the first depositors at the expense of new participants, promised stable profitability, and by falsifying documents, made them believe in the increase in their capital.
The inspecting authorities investigated the fund’s activity more than five times, but never found any violations. They transmitted data on 23 accounts, and the company had more than four thousand of them. The pyramid scheme was uncovered when people wanted their money back during the 2008 crisis. Madoff told his family about the fraudulent scheme, his sons informed the authorities, and Bernard Madoff received 150 years in prison.
The movie is based on journalist Diane Henriquez’s book of the same name about the biggest financial pyramid scheme. Starring Robert De Niro and Michelle Pfeiffer.
Bernie Madoff is a successful businessman with an impeccable reputation who creates a financial pyramid scheme and disguises it as an investment fund. His charm and guarantees of high profits attract investors.
When Madoff’s pyramid collapses and his scams are revealed, the deceived investors are left without money. Bernard is sentenced to 150 years in prison. Faced with the prospect of indefinite imprisonment and the loss of his family, he realizes that his life has changed forever.
It’s one of the more practical business movies. You cannot blindly trust even the most brilliant and charismatic investors, and the work of funds isn’t always checked by supervisory authorities. Fraud victims can hate the entire family of the investor, and it doesn’t matter to them whether they participated in the project.