Several years after the untimely end of the BRILLIANT animated series “Gravity Falls,” the saga of one Bill Cypher isn’t over. At least not completely. Series creator (and one of the lead voice actors) Alex Hirsch is no stranger to giving fan’s clues. And instead of making us guess what’s coming, he straight up just showed everyone what’s to come.
“The Book of Bill”
Described as:
Inside, Bill sheds light on his bizarre origins, his sinister effects on human history, the Pines family’s most embarrassing secrets, and the key to overthrowing the world (laid out in a handy step-by-step guide). This chaotic and beautifully illustrated tome contains baffling riddles, uncrackable ciphers, lost “Journal 3” pages, ways to cheat death, the meaning of life, and a whole chapter on Silly Straws. But most importantly, “The Book of Bill” is deeply, deeply cursed.
It’s available for pre-order now, with a special edition available via Barnes & Noble. It’s scheduled to release on July 23rd, 2024. “Gravity Falls” and the various shorts are available to stream on Disney+ now.