The highly anticipated adult animated series “Hazbin Hotel” is finally coming to viewers thanks to Prime Video. The original YouTube series was created by Vivienne Medrano. This version is bring produced through A24 and Fox’s Bento Box Entertainment.
“Hazbin Hotel” follows the princess of Hell, Charlie, as she attempts to rehabilitate sinners in hopes of reducing the overpopulation. There is a yearly purging of Hell, where the angels of Heaven come down and exterminate most of the overcrowding. While Charlie’s goal seems entirely unachievable and majority of Hell openly mocks her idea, she does have the support of a few. Charlie is joined by her partner Vaggie, test subject, adult film star Angel Dust, and a powerful entity known as “The Radio Demon.”
Medrano aired the pilot for this eight-part series on YouTube three years ago, and it currently has over 89 million views. This series definitely is NOT meant for children, with violence, drug use, and heavy adult themes. We hope you don’t mind musical numbers, the pilot leads us to believe the series will be full of them. Medrano also has a spinoff series on YouTube, “Helluva Boss,” which is set in the same universe.
Medrano will serve as executive producer for the series and has directed all episodes. Joel Kuwahara and Dana Tafoya-Camero will also serve as executive producers. Former Bento Box Entertainment CEO, Scott Greenberg, serve as an executive producer for the first season.
“Hazbin Hotel” will start streaming in January 2024 on Prime Video. It’s already been picked up for a second season. Check out the official announcement down below: