It can be a bit overwhelming for new players to get started with Star Citizen. Even though it is designed to be user-friendly, it is still in the Alpha stage. Consequently, tutorials have not yet been completed, and some game mechanics will need to be learned by the players themselves. Despite the hype surrounding a massively multiplayer, infinitely explorable, and most detailed game since the Alpha, it failed to live up to expectations. It is just as complicated as other games in the genre.
There are some tips and tricks here that beginners can use to make their journey more accessible in the world of Star Citizens. Use Star Citizen auec to purchase or rent ships.
Engage in expert-led play
In addition to the game mechanics, Star Citizen has several other systems that are complex, and developers are well aware of it this, so they added the feature of “Play with a Guide.” A professional will guide you through guided gameplay through the official website.
After selecting this option, you will automatically be paired with a pro player until you exit the session. In addition to making friends from complete strangers, you’ll also learn new things from them as you progress through the game.
Only rely on some.
The gaming community of Star Citizen shares a lot of similarities with that of various survival games. This appears to be true since you’ll engage in more multiplayer interaction without any prior notice during your adventure. There is always the possibility that someone could ram and shoot you to get your loot, no matter where you are.

You don’t have any choice but to interact with other players or the environment in Star Citizen because it offers player-vs-player and player-vs.-environment modes. Although most interactions between citizens do not end with the conflict, there are times when other citizens look for beginners to prey on. Keep a positive attitude, and don’t trust everyone you meet if you want to survive an encounter.
Money shouldn’t be your focus.
Star Citizen is a massively multiplayer online game. The game has a whole economy you’ll have to deal with in order to earn money. It is important for players to work on getting money right from the start, but if you grind too much, you won’t be able to enjoy the game.
It’s worth it since you can purchase a number of items in Star Citizen with all that money, including weapons, armor, and ships. Developers have informed the gaming community that any progress they made in the past will be lost in upcoming updates. You will lose everything you work for, no matter how much you grind. Get ahead of your opponents by mining resources and buying Star Citizen AEC to earn money.
Make sure your expectations aren’t too high.
Star Citizen’s current version costs forty-five dollars, but it’s still missing a lot of features and contains some severe bugs. Today, most MMOs release their early access version so they can make money and get free publicity. This practice is common among MMOs. Although, AUEC shouldn’t be your first priority, you can Buy Star Citizen Auec.
Star Citizen was not cheap to develop, and it cost a lot to maintain. Gamers will be responsible for recovering that money from developers. In comparison to what Cloud Imperium originally promised, the game only delivers a small fraction of it. It does, however, come with new updates periodically.
Pick a playstyle that suits you.
At the beginning of the game, you are allowed to experiment with different play styles, as you’re not restricted to one play style. You can choose from a different range of options in the game, whether you love to socialize with other players or are a pirate, explorer, fighter, or trader.
It can be advantageous to be a fighter in the game, but there are better options than this. Whenever you hit more ships and kill NPCs, the game automatically sets you up with bounties. It is not always convenient to be a fighter, but there are exceptions to that rule for quests and events. Choosing your job should not be based on blind faith, and you should research before making a decision.
Completing missions related to box delivery
Is there anyone who enjoys hauling cargo? As a new player to the game with no knowledge of anything, you must do this at the very beginning of the game to get things moving. Those missions that require only a single box delivery are the most suitable ones for beginners because they’re easy and don’t require any skill.
With the July update, developers added a brand-new multi-location function that allows you to complete multiple delivery missions in a single run to reduce fuel costs and maximize profits. You will benefit in the game’s later stages if you keep track of how much fuel you use to reach a specific point on the map.
Using these missions is easy, and you get thousands of credit points per mission. The best thing about them is that there is no risk involved.
Quantum Travel

The universe is enormous, and you won’t be able to travel from one planet to another by flying around in cruise mode. Long-distance travel is possible in the game using a method called Quantum Travel. The engagement process is straightforward. When you press the B key, all the possible destinations in the star system should appear. They are blocked or out of range if they are red, whereas they are valid if they are blue. There is the possibility that small ships could run out of fuel because this consumes quantum fuel. The quantum drive will start spinning up once you press B again after choosing a destination. As long as your crosshair is pointing towards your chosen destination, quantum travel will begin. The HUD shows the current fuel level, speed, and other details. While it may initially seem overwhelming, you will soon learn how to do it. MFDs (Multi-Function Displays) are located throughout every ship. You can also download Star Citizen from MMOPIXEL for an amazing gaming experience.