Construction sites are susceptible to theft, whether it’s tools, equipment, or materials. The high cost of tools and ease of reselling them on the secondary market make construction sites compelling targets for thieves.
While more and more construction sites are being targeted, you don’t have to be another statistic. There are several steps that site managers can take to help prevent stolen property. Here are some of the most effective methods for deterring thieves and keeping construction sites safe.
Why thieves are now targeting construction sites
Many factors contribute to the incidents of thefts occurring at construction sites, and while the price of tools plays a large part, there are many other reasons. The nature of construction sites means that valuable equipment is often exposed and unsecured due to their remote locations and lack of security measures. This makes it much easier for thieves to come in and steal any tools that might be lying around after the day is done.
It is also challenging to track thieves in these cases since construction workers may not assume that any materials have been stolen before conducting a complete inventory check of what has gone missing. The chaotic structure of construction sites means things are not closely monitored, like in stores or developed sites.
Prevention measures construction managers should take
Construction site managers have the critical job of ensuring that all equipment, personnel, and worksite are safe. To prevent any foreseeable accidents or mishaps from occurring, there is a variety of precautions they take. If these steps and methods are followed daily and staff are trained appropriately, then theft will likely reduce.
Store valuables securely
The most effective step to take if you want to reduce theft is securing your valuables safely. While there are many methods, it largely depends on your construction site and layout, for example, in smaller sites, a locked cabinet or tools box could work fine. In general, keeping your valuables off-site or implementing secure padlock boxes will significantly reduce theft onsite.
There are also more elaborate options, such as purchasing a construction vending machine. These devices ensure that your tools are secure and tracked while also automating the process. Not only does this help ensure accurate tracking, but it also ensures that any equipment or materials used remain at their intended location until they can be used again.
Fencing up the construction site
Fencing off construction sites can also help keep out trespassers or intruders who may have malicious intentions and want to steal equipment. The weakness of many worksites is the need for fencing or adequate security, so if you can address this as a priority, it can significantly improve security.
Hire security guards to patrol the area
Construction managers may also take extra steps to deter crimes and protect their property, such as hiring security guards who can patrol the grounds. If you can hire security guards 24/7, this will not only deter thieves, but you might even be able to identify and report individuals to authorities. This will ensure that they do not steal from construction sites again.
While security systems and guards may be expensive or excessive for smaller projects, it may be wise when you have high-priced items at stake. Most extensive, more expensive worksites have consistent security, so keep this in mind when managing large projects.
Installing cameras and motion-sensor lights
Installing cameras at strategic locations, integrating motion-sensor lights or setting up signs warning of potential penalties for trespassing or theft can also help. There should be no excuse to install cameras on your site if you have electricity available. This is because are many cheaper options and many new devices on the market, making it entirely possible to find the perfect solution for your construction site.
By taking these measures, you could drastically reduce losses due to theft
Construction sites contain expensive tools and materials that can easily be stolen. Taking specific measures can go a long way in deterring would-be thieves while keeping your items safe. We recommend you look into these methods and keep an eye out for any new technologies as thieves get more and more sophisticated.