Florida never disappoints, does it? This week of “local Floridian” illegal activities is a gem. A Florida couple has been arrested for calling the police to come help them move the items they were stealing from an unoccupied house. I suppose when you’ve got few options, it’s one avenue you can pursue.
Florida PD responded to a call on Saturday, though no one responded on the line. What met them was a couple trying to pilfer the contents of an unowned home. Turns out they needed some muscle to move their “belongings” from the house they were stealing from. Apparently the male suspect already had an APB out for stealing from the Dollar General store in Poinciana.
The female suspect appeared unfazed by the appearance of authorities. She asked that they help move the stolen items and give her and her beau a ride to the airport. The two wanted to spend the weekend in New York. Instead the two got a one-way ticket to holding. According to the sheriff’s department’s facebook page, “Deputies DID help them with their belongings, and DID give them a ride, but it wasn’t to the airport…it was to the Polk Pokey.”
The female suspect was charged only with burglary of a residence. The male suspect was charged both for burglary of the house and theft from The Dollar Store. Though you have to admire the tenacity…or perhaps foolishness, of calling the police for help with a criminal act. As the house was unowned, maybe they thought “finders keepers” applied.