American horror mainstay Dread Central is currently seeking pitches from black genre fans as part of their Black History Month programming. The website is specifically looking for black writers at any experience level to share their views on the genre. Ideas about specific movies, sub-genres, filmmakers, books, graphic novels, issues with trends, and even pieces about the writers’ experiences as a fan are all fair game.
Dread Central’s goal seems to be to generate as many different kinds of articles as possible looking at horror through black perspectives and experiences. Hopefully resulting in many diverse viewpoints and opinion pieces. This a nice shift for a genre that has a long history of not treating non-white characters or even fans with mutual respect. An issue that has been gaining more and more attention in the past few years. Attention that creators are turning into action, to improve the genre for future fans.
Ideas sent to Dread Central should directly reference Black History Month. Which is a detail that should be included in the initial pitch so the website knows it is time-sensitive content. Since the point is these pieces shouldn’t be able to run any ol’ time. The website staff are accepting ideas now through January 31st.
You can submit your idea via this link until the deadline. It even provides a list of pitches from last year to help potential writers brainstorm. We wish all applicants good luck and look forward to reading this new slew of content come February!