Get ready to join the revolution—owning an electric scooter in 2022 promises a lot of amazing benefits! From saving money on your daily commute and reducing your carbon footprint to providing you with freedom of movement and fascinating recreational rides, electric scooters are becoming increasingly popular as they become more accessible. Also, they have many variants like E-trike has three wheels and Electric Unicycle has just one wheel. In this blog post, we’ll go over six of the main advantages that will make you want to ride one next year. Keep reading if you’re curious about what owning an electric scooter could mean for your life in 2022!
Cheaper Alternative to Cars
The first benefit on this list of owning an electric scooter in 2022 is the fact that it is far cheaper than buying a car. Believe it or not, even the cheapest cars are quite expensive, and in 2022, the average cost of a new car will be around $50,000. Of course, you’d also have to pay for insurance for the car, and petrol or gas.
However, if you were to contrast the average cost of a new car to the cost of an electric scooter, which is around $285 for one of the amazing swegway models, you would see a massive price difference. What’s more, you don’t have to pay insurance for an electric scooter if you don’t want to.
Convenient Method of Travel
The next benefit on this list for owning an electric scooter in 2022, or perhaps buying one for Christmas, is the fact that it is a very convenient method of transportation. It is worth mentioning that electric scooters aren’t considered vehicles, so they actually aren’t allowed on the road, but you can technically ride them on the pavement.
If you are looking for a mode of transportation just to get you to work and back or to go to the coffee shop now and then, then the electric scooter is a perfect choice. This is mainly because you don’t have to worry about paying for petrol for these short trips, whereas using a car would get quite expensive.
Cheaper To Maintain
Another benefit of owning an electric scooter is that they are much cheaper to maintain. As mentioned, you don’t need to pay for insurance if you own an electric scooter, and you also don’t need any sort of license to ride it, which means you don’t need to pay for lessons.
There are two main components of an electric scooter that could cause problems. Those are the battery and the motor. However, having said that, these two components aren’t too expensive, and they are relatively easy to replace.
Easy To Ride
One of the biggest benefits of owning an electric scooter in 2022 is the fact that they are very easy to ride. When you buy a car, you need to have a license, and to have a license, you need to take driving lessons. Not only do you have to pay for these, but there’s no guarantee that you’ll pass the test.
However, with an electric scooter, all you need to do is charge the device, stand on it, and you can get going. Not only is this a great present for yourself for Christmas, but it can also be a great present for any teenagers who are looking to go to coffee shops or visit friends nearby.
Fun and Exercise
Another benefit of having an electric scooter is that they are incredibly fun to ride, and as mentioned above, they are very easy to use. What’s more is that an electric scooter is also great for exercise, and as the New Year approaches, you probably have “getting fit” written down as a New Year’s resolution.
Riding an electric scooter can also be very beneficial for your mental well-being since you’ll be out getting exercise and you’ll be in nature.
Easy To Store
Finally, the last benefit on this list of owning an electric scooter in 2022 is that they are easy to store. If you have any other mode of transportation, such as a motorcycle or a car, you might have noticed that they take up quite a bit of space, and you also need to keep them protected by parking them in a garage or parking area.
The biggest benefit of an electric scooter is that once you are done riding it, all you need to do is fold it up and put it away. Since it is rather small once folded up, you can store it behind a door or in a cupboard.