If you know any teachers who are getting their classroom ready for kids to go back to school, you might want to show them this. Akihiko Yamashita who has worked for Studio Ghibli for decades and worked on films such as “Howl’s Moving Castle” illustrated the bulletin board sign.
They are telling people to please use the image responsibly and not make anything gross with it. Which makes sense given what the internet can do to an image with a blank space for writing.
We will distribute a bulletin board drawn by animator Akihiko Yamashita. Please use the message and Ogiri within the bounds of common sense
Studio Ghibli
I know a few teacher’s who are going to get a kick out of using this. And if I were a kid, having a Studio Ghibli classroom would have been a dream to go to everyday. Please share to your teacher friends and see if they’d like to make something cool with Calcifer!
You can watch Studio Ghibli movies including “Howl’s Moving Castle” right now on HBO Max.