Japan’s Hakone-en Aquarium had to make an executive decision on whether or not to raise ticket prices or cut back on some of the fancier, nicer fish to feed their animals. The penguins are refusing the new fish. The otters are taking one sniff at the oysters and diving back into the water. There are a lot of unhappy animals in the aquarium, but the company has a plan to combat the picky eating. These penguins and otters are totally acting like toddlers who don’t get chicken nuggets when they want them.
One aquarium keeper told CNN that what they were giving the penguins wasn’t even that bad. It was just a different type of mackerel fish. It was from a video of them trying to feed that to the penguins that this image came from. And boy does it remind us of how Ryan Gosling won’t eat his cereal.
Not only have the penguins been upset but the otters have followed their lead. The aquarium plans on trying to cut the yucky food (according to the animals) with some of the good stuff. Which I’m pretty sure the animals will notice. Especially when I’ve tried to do that with my cats and they’ve literally just eaten around it so that only the preferred food was eaten.
Honestly though, I think I’d rather spend more money on a ticket to see these animals and know that they’re being fed the good stuff, then going to see them at a cheaper price and watching them be depressed. Food should make them happy, not be a point of contention. Plus it would be horrible to have them look at me with big sad eyes. Especially the otters.