Everyone who wants to get a good return on their savings wants to invest them and obtain a return. That’s normal. However, sometimes our savings are low.
What can we do in this situation? Today, we give some ideas on how to invest with little money, and make the most of it in 2022.
What is Considered a Small Budget?
Before we start talking about how to invest with a small budget, it may be relevant to talk about what exactly it is to have a small amount to invest. Because for you “small” may be $500 a month, but for someone else, it may be $50 a month.
Logically, it is not up to us to say how much is too much and how much is too little. Because if you are earning $1,000 a month, telling you that $500 is too little is perhaps a bit of an exaggeration.
What you should do is to draw up a plan and objectives. It will help to answer the following questions:
- What are you saving for? Some people save for financial independence at a reasonably early age, such as 40 or 45. Others save to have the right budget to make the most out of the latest crypto trading bot on reliable exchange platforms. You need to be clear about your goal.
- What is your time frame? The next thing is to determine the time frame. If you are going to save as a way to have a good retirement, you may still have 40 years to go. On the other hand, if you want to be financially independent at 40, you may only have 15 or 20 years to go.
- How much do you earn and how much are you going to earn? The next step is to know how much you earn and what your future income prospects are. It is not the same to save 50% if you earn $1,000 than if you earn $4,000. In the first case it is very difficult, but in the second case it is very easy. Trying to understand your current and future possibilities will give you a better picture of your savings options.
- What risk will you take? The last point is to assess the risk you are willing to take. The higher the risk, the higher the return. Therefore, the higher the risk you are willing to take, the less you will have to save monthly, because you will compensate for it with profitability. If you invest in Variable Income, you will need less monthly savings than if you invest in Fixed Income.
Investment Possibilities
Let’s move on to the investment vehicles and assets in which you can invest with very little money. We insist: just because you can invest in them with little money does not mean that they are the best option.
Consider it carefully. You may be better off investing that money in training or building something that will generate an additional monthly income.
That said, here are the possible investments with little money:
We are not going to stop to explain what Bitcoin is, because, by now, anyone who is minimally interested in the world of investment knows what BTC is and how it works.
What we will emphasize is the fact that… Well, Bitcoin is a high-risk investment. Maybe one day it will become the most widely used money or store of value, in which case its value will multiply enormously. But… What if it doesn’t?
It’s a very risky and speculative investment, so you should invest very carefully if you decide to invest in Bitcoin– using reliable exchange platforms and trading software.
Beyond that, what we have to say about Bitcoin is that it is highly divisible, so you can buy a fraction of Bitcoin for a ridiculous amount. If you want, you can start investing in Bitcoin with a small budget.
Index Funds
With index funds you will be replicating stock market indexes, so it is a good way to benefit from equities while minimizing their risks, since you will be very well diversified.
There are index funds with very different minimum inflows. Some (institutional ones, for example) require tens of thousands of dollars. However, there are others that you can access for amounts as ridiculous as $1.
So, no matter how little savings capacity you have, you can start investing by indexing, which is a way of investing that we particularly like.
Actively Managed Funds
Then there are actively managed funds, which, instead of indexing, select stocks and invest in them at the right time. We won’t dwell here on whether active management is better or worse than passive management.
What you should understand is that, if you choose your active fund well, you can get a higher return. However, it is riskier, and it is difficult to find the right fund.
It is virtually impossible to know what the next star fund is going to be in the next few years and, more than 90% of the time, these funds do not outperform the benchmark indexes.
In any case, actively managed funds, although they may seem more inaccessible than index funds, are actually cheap.
Of course, you can also invest in stocks directly. Here you have all kinds of options: some stocks will be out of your reach because they are worth several thousand euros, and others will be close at hand because they are worth just a few cents.
So what’s the problem? Well, investing directly in shares implies a study of the companies and knowing, more or less, which are the companies that are going to do well in the future. Otherwise, if you buy on the spur of the moment, you are likely to lose money.
Also, keep in mind that, by buying stocks personally, you are not going to get much diversification. And even more so if you are investing with little money. Therefore, the risk you take is reasonably high.