Last week, a wedding in Tracy, CA went viral. San Joaquin County Sheriff deputies were responding to a noise complaint, but instead joined the party.
The video is from a Punjabi wedding, which traditionally lasts for days. While neighbors were welcome to come and given a heads up about the noise, someone still called the cops. Newlywed Marvinder Toor was the one who answered the door for Officer Daniel De Lashmutt and his fellow officers. Toor agreed to turn down the music on one condition.
“I went back to the sheriff and said ‘Come join come party with us,'” he said. “It was super fun, super exciting.”
And join in they did! Someone at the party filmed them dancing and boom, viral wedding crasher status. Marvinder Toor’s wife Raman Grewal Toor reacted to all the attention by saying; “I saw it on social media and I was like, ‘Oh my gosh.’”
Not only did officer Lashmutt hang out at the party he was also invited to the couple’s second wedding reception. Which he of course attended. And funnily enough, Lashmutt was about to be married himself. The Toors were absolutely invited and plan to attend.
What should have been a stressful and potentially sad moment has turned into one of pure joy. “We’re glad it happened because we met Officer Mutt,” Toor said.