Security guards play a vital role in keeping a location safe. Everything ranging from S.O.S. security company to public facilities, from concerts to rallies, depend on security guards for safety. However, do security guards understand what their duties and responsibilities are? We know that this understanding comes with time and experience. However, it is crucial to know the nature of these duties. Also, security personnel should note that the responsibilities can vary depending on the location and time. Ensuring that the guards fully understand the essential attributes of their job helps them create a safe environment for everyone in the area.
The following duties and responsibilities of security guards are essential at any location and time:
Visibility is not the actual duty but making oneself visible is necessary. A visible security presence helps establish serenity. And most importantly, this visibility can deter theft, breaking, vandalism and many other issues. For instance, if a thief is planning a robbery on particular premises, seeing a security guard may change the idea!
When a security guard patrols from one place to another, it helps protect against intruders. A vast majority of guards conduct patrols to check for anything that might seem dubious. Imagine a trespasser entering a property without permission. While patrolling, these trespassers are detected and charged. A security guard uses all their senses and focuses on circumstances that can escalate serious security problems.
Incident Response:
What happens when any threatening workplace or human interference incidents occur? A security guard is the first line of defense! It is their responsibility to take appropriate action in such unusual situations. In some cases, it means evicting someone from the premises or calling the police or fire department. By using security incident report software by THERMS, a guard can report all of these incidents to the clients and authorities. This software allows security guards to report everything ranging from incidents to activities undertaken by the guards. It keeps both parties updated about every detail about the responsibilities undertaken and responses provided by security guards. It may even be something as simple as notifying the client of a water leak or light issue. Responding to a crisis and acting as needed is necessary for any security guard.
Every security guard must inform the authority and the client about everything happening around. For example, if a security guard discovers an unusual activity in and around the premises, this information can be used to take necessary precautions to keep the premises safe. Their duty involves clocking in and out too. All of this becomes tedious to maintain manually. Security guard tracking software is a powerful tool that can aid guards in reporting every situation with ease. Sometimes, information is fed in automatically, making it a hassle-free option. Often it is a tool to stay informed and maintain transparency between clients, authorities, security guards.
Follow Guidelines:
Every client is different, and so are their needs. For this, the security needed is also unique. It is why the nature of security guard responsibilities and duties also vary. For instance, at some locations, guards might be appointed to maintain order during events or rallies, whereas for others, they may be appointed and positioned at the entrance to check ID badges for those entering the premises. Regardless of the various tasks that the security guards perform for different clients, it is essential to comprehend and follow the guidelines. Therefore, they must perform these duties with diligence.
This checklist hardly covers all the responsibilities and duties entrusted to a security guard. But these duties are central to all types of security guard jobs. But if someone is following this essential guide, they will deliver stellar results to the client and shall ace as a credible security person!