How much compensation can you claim for after a car accident? Eventually you’ll want to contact a car accident lawyer. Until then, read the following guide and learn how to make a vehicle accident claim.
Have you been involved in a car collision lately? True story: you’re not the only one. According to Forbes, road fatalities exploded in 2021, with the largest increase ever recorded: more than 20,000 people died in car crashes on the USA roads. The death estimates were reported by the United States of America Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
Events like not using the seatbelt, speeding, drinking, and other distractions are also found to be higher than before the world’s crisis started. News all over the world state that the rising traffic losses left uncountable loved ones behind. No one must accept these fatalities as simply part of their everyday lives. So, what’s left for you to do is to identify the actions you may consider taking to protect your life and other passenger’s lives when you’re on the road. Drivers must no longer say goodbye to their loved ones because of traffic distractions and car crashes. Passenger car accident compensation is an important aspect to consider when involved in a car accident.
Focus on promoting and following a set of rules to help reduce severe injuries and deaths on the road. It simply should not be amusing, nor common to attend particular activities while you’re behind the steering wheel, such as:
- Using your phone; not even for emergencies.
- Limit the number of passengers inside the car: the more people, the higher distractions.
- If you are tired, pull on the side of the road. Lethargy is one of the most common risks of car crashes. 37% of the U.S. drivers fall asleep several times during their driving career.
- Avoid snacking, drinking, etc. There’s no excuse like “I didn’t have the chance to eat breakfast this morning, so I’ll serve it on my way to work”. It’s absolutely prohibited to consider this type of time-saver while driving. Food spills are a major cause of car accidents.
- Multi-tasking is unquestionably a bad idea. We all spend a lot of time in our vehicles, and it might seem like it’s always the perfect time to multi-task, like calling friends, searching for music, text messages, and so on. Do not multitask while you’re driving; keep your focus on the road and other cars around you. Do your tasks before you get behind the wheel.
Take Your Time Driving
It’s critical to take your time when driving. Statistics have shown that people are limited when it comes to processing information while driving. The goal is to keep yourself and other passengers safe on the road. During driving, there are many demands that can occur, and people see themselves forced to acquire them, shifting their attention back and forth. Young teens are even less experienced when it comes to these types of distractions. And that’s how most collisions occur in traffic.
Distracted drivers fail to put their attention to the road, which is the leading cause of most car accidents, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. They hit other cars, injured themselves, other passengers, pedestrians, and drivers.
Are You Eligible to Claim Compensation?
As a personal injury lawyer, a car accident claim process can start on a No Win no Fee basis, but the case must be investigated before being accepted, especially when it comes to something complex like a sideswipe accident. It is because if they don’t win the case in court, they won’t receive any fee. Thus, before considering your claim, they will check things like:
- The negligence of the drivers and how the accident was caused.
- Injuries that have been sustained due to the accident.
- Damages that have been made.
If you are not sure about your rights, call a personal injury lawyer and they will answer all your questions.
What Evidence Do You Need for a Car Accident Claim?
Evidence you can obtain to help win your case include:
- Medical evidence – Following treatments and medical records could greatly improve your chances of obtaining compensation.
- Photos – It’s beneficial to take pictures before any car is moved, if possible.
- Footage from dashcam – It will help you prove what happened easier. CCTV footage can be easily requested if the scene of the accident was protected by security cameras.
- Witness details – If the other party’s insurance company denies responsibility for your injuries or damages, you could use witness details.
- Other drivers’ information – Swap your details with the other driver involved in the accident. You will need contact details, insurance policy number, registration details, and most importantly, you shouldn’t admit fault or say anything that suggests your accountability for the accident.
A personal injury lawyer can answer a lot more questions. Once you obtain the evidence needed, it might be worth contacting a Houston car accident attorney for free consultation. They will review your case, consider your evidence, and what to do to get more, if necessary.
Types of Car Accidents that Generally Lead to Compensation Claims
As mentioned before, you can claim for your injuries if someone else’s carelessness caused it. What common types of car accidents make you eligible for a compensation claim? Here are some examples:
- If you got hit by a car pulling out from a parking space, as the other driver miscalculated the distance from your car.
- If a driver exceeds the speed limit and causes injuries to other drivers, a claim might be possible.
- Irresponsible driving is the number one reason why accidents worldwide increased.
Most often, car accidents occur due to other drivers’ fault, as they’re too busy dealing with their phones, or other activities that distract them from the road.
How much compensation you’re eligible for depends entirely on the type of accident claim. Realistically speaking, not all accidents are equally the same. There are two types of damages a lawyer can consider, as such:
- Special damages (personal property damage, medical claim, care costs, travel costs).
- General damages (the claim compensation is based on the seriousness of your injuries).
If you’re decided to start your claim today, please get in touch with a professional solicitor in your area.