E3 has been a wild ride today. They’ve announced which games will be coming to Xbox game pass for the next year.

- June 13: Yakuza – Like a Dragon
- June 22: Dark Alliance
- July 29: The Ascent
- August 13: Hades
- August 19: Twelve Minutes
- September 17: Aragami 2
- September 23: Sable
- FALL: Anacrusis
- FALL: Scorn
- October 12: Back 4 Blood
- December: Shredders
- 2021: Among Us
- 2021: Hello Neighbor 2
- 2021: The Gunk
- July 27: Flight Simulator
- August 25: Psychonauts 2
- October 28: Age of Empires
- Novemeber 9: Forza Horizons 5
- Holiday: Halo Infinite