Once again the internet has given us what we always wanted in the first place. An aged down Harrison Ford playing the titular character of Han Solo in “Solo: A Star Wars Story”. Shamook has created a new deepfake where Harrison Ford takes on his famous role and is aged down and voiced over by the actor. Which honestly if it was done in the first place I think would have made for a much better film. Check out the video below.
For me, the best thing that came out of “Solo” was the 70’s inspired fashion that was put out. You’re telling me that not only does it have “Star Wars” Millennium Falcon on it but also a basic 70’s rainbow stripe print and Bell Bottoms? Hell yeah count me in! Anyway…
Only 133 minutes left to deepfake for the movie and we can all try it again right? Do you think this would have made the movie better? Now if they could only deepfake Billy Dee in there as well we would have been set, though admittedly I do love Donald Glover for the role.