In the world of alcohol, people have developed some very curious combinations that actually work in tandem. Whether it’s combining several kinds of alcohol together, or just mixing alcohol with a strange choice of drink, people continue to innovate new ideas for others to try. Recently, someone over at Ole Smoky Moonshine got a crazy idea to make 40 Proof Pickle Moonshine. You heard that correctly. Pickle. Moonshine.

And that is quite literally moonshine with pickles in it. The jars look like anything you could pick up at the grocery store, except all that liquid is moonshine. It is indeed such a bizarre concept, but when you think about it, it could actually be pretty practical. It would probably make a great addition to a Bloody Mary. Heck, you could just eat the pickle on its own and have a good time! And hey, there’s a jug of moonshine right there for you too.
The world of alcohol is no stranger to salty things. Bloody Marys are of course made with tomato juice and various other salty ingredients, we put salt rims on Margaritas, and we sometimes have an olive or four dunked in a Martini. So it makes sense that someone made that step of putting pickles and moonshine together, because why not? The pickles alone would make great hors d’oeuvres or appetizers for a 21 and over party. Adding them to a drink sounds like it could be an amazing time beyond that. There’s also all the fun recipes you could do with the pickles to add them to party dishes for a little kick.
You can look into getting some Ole Smoky Moonshine Pickles by following the link here. You have to be 21 or older to check them out. Please remember to drink (and eat) responsibly!