Watch out The Child, there’s a new adorable force user here to steal our hearts! This one doesn’t come from a planet in the far reaches of space though. Instead, he comes from the beautiful continent of Australia. Similar to The Child, this creature lacks a head of hair and has large ears. What is this strange looking pink creature you ask? It’s a young koala joey!

Meet Tex. Tex is an orphaned koala joey spending his days as a patient at the Australia Zoo Wildlife Hospital. While caring for him, staff couldn’t help but notice his strong resemblance to a certain famous green character. They managed to snap a photo of Tex right as he raised his paw to use the force. It seems that this little fellow may be more of a handful than the staff accounted for. After all, they went on to say that “when the team started noticing objects in the hospital floating it raised a few concerns.” Maybe the Australia Zoo should enlist the help of a certain Mandalorian to give them a few tips. He might even have a spare knob from his ship!
Showing off Tex was a perfect tribute to Star Wars on May the 4th! Hopefully, Tex grows up to be one of the greatest force users in the galaxy. Maybe he will even get the chance to become a Jedi! Regardless, a huge thank you goes out to the Australia Zoo for all of the fantastic care and conservation efforts they make on a daily basis. May your work continue to be successful as you travel the galaxy saving lives.