I am always jealous of people who are good at creating stuff with their hands. People who can make their own cosplay or build their own nerdy vehicles are genuine artists. This is especially true for parents who are able to bring their kids into the stuff they create. While I can go out and buy a lightsaber for my kid, it will always been more impressive to go out and build one.
Look at this show off right here. Sean Lehmkuhl of Cincinnati put out a video of him building a model Millennium Falcon that took over a month to complete. The Falcon was made so his kids could go Trick or Treating in style and be the envy of any other kid that comes their way. Why go walking around on foot when you can cruise the neighborhood like a boss?
Lehmkuhl has made several of these things over the years. In the video you can also spot a landspeeder that he has also worked on. “This is the fourth year in a row I have built a mobile costume for them to travel with,” said Lehmkuhl. “I’ve always enjoyed creating things and to have my kids enjoy it with memories they will never forget makes it worth it.”
I appreciate how cool this is but dang if I don’t feel the bitter pangs of jealousy. What I wouldn’t have given to be able to ride something half as cool as this when I was younger. Beating all the kids to the good candy. Running down school bullies when I spot them on the street. Going around the street in circles like I’m in Tokyo Drift while hopped up on candy bars.
I want Sean to be my dad is what I am saying.